
If you are interested, below you could find all the boring legal stuff regarding our rubbish collection business. And if you have come across this page by mistake, please consider checking our ServicesPrices or Quotes pages. Those could be more relevant if you are looking for inexpensive, fast and worry free junk removal services.

Otherwise, under Terms and Conditions, you will read about how we work and what rules we follow. These make our waste clearance services efficient, safe and responsible. Furthermore, you may want to know what we expect from you as our customer. As a result, our cooperation will be hassle free and amicable. Just be aware that we appreciate your business. Therefore, we will go the extra mile to make your experience with our junk removal services carefree and timely.

Further down, you could read about our responsibilities under all relevant laws. So the Privacy Policy of Express Waste Removals gives you information on how we use your personal data. We collect those details in connection with properly carrying out our business. The Cookie Policy explains what a Cookie is and how we use it on our website. And in the Disclaimer, you may find the limitations of our responsibilities in regards to the content of our website and services.

Most of all our aim is to keep our customers happy by providing affordable and convenient waste clearance. So it could be relevant to check the reviews of past rubbish removal services we have provided. It is especially noteworthy that we strive to stay environmentally friendly the best we could. As a result, we separate the type of waste we collect and recycle as much of it as possible. And we will be happy to answer any queries you may have regarding the above or our business, prices and services.