Health Hazards Caused by Improper Disposal of Pesticides

The use of pesticides by the UK population is on the rise with the latest reports showing an increase in among the farmers. While the use of pesticides has enabled considerable ease in pest management and ensured better yields, pesticides have adverse effects on humans, wildlife, and the environment.

To help curb the runaway effects, the Environment Agency has put in place rules and regulations on transportation and disposal of pesticide wastes.

How are people exposed to pesticides?

While pesticides are used on farms and gardens to improve crop production, the continued use seems to introduce a health risk to humans. Pesticides have artificial compounds that can remain in the environment for a long time. Some pesticides like organochlorine can stay on the surface 30 years after use, yet they had been banned. The remains in the environment expose humans and other living organisms to their effects. That explains why more people use pesticides, the higher the cases of effects.

Improper Disposal

There have been reports of the presence of pesticide residues in foods like grains, vegetables, fish, and milk. This means that foods are the other way humans get exposed to pesticides.

Pesticides can also present in water bodies. Most pesticides have polarity and solubility with water such that once they are applied in the fields; they can mix with runoff water and enter into the water bodies. The nearby agricultural activities determine the amounts of these chemicals in the aquatic systems.

Another way humans get exposed to pesticides is due to accidental release into the environment due to waste dumps, leaking pipes, spills, groundwater, and underground storage tanks. These accidents tend to release large amounts of pesticides in the environment that remain present for a long time.

An occupation where people are directly exposed to pesticides is dangerous to the workers.

Health Effects

At the moment, it is not a debate of if pesticides have health effects on humans anymore; instead, it is all about the extent. The results of the pesticides on humans and the environment have been recorded since 1962 in the environmental book Silent Spring. The acute decline of wildlife, wild bees, birds, and other aquatic life has been contributed to the continued prevalence of pesticides on the environment.

Pesticides also kill wildlife and birds by killing them indirectly. The presence of chemicals in the environment kills other insects that birds feed on — the same way the herbicides for controlling weeds kill other plants species used for food and shelter. In the end, the use of pesticides affects the whole ecosystem.

Apart from the animals, the effects of pesticides have been manifested in humans as well. There are two ways in which humans experience health effects;

  • Acute toxicity

This is a point where the harmful effects of pesticide exposure manifest within a short time. Generally around 48 hours.

Some of the conditions one can experience include; allergic sensitization, loss of consciousness, respiratory tract irritation, sore throat and cough, eye and skin irritation, and extreme weakness and seizures, and in some extreme conditions death.

More than 3 million cases of acute poisoning from pesticide exposure are reported annually, causing around 250 – 370,000 deaths every year.

  • Chronic toxicity

Long term toxicity is when it takes an extended period before the effects of the exposure to pesticides are realized. This is mostly due to the low level or gradual exposure.

Some of the conditions linked with chronic toxicity include hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit, and cancer, like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, and other types of solid tumor.

How to protect against the hazards

After confirming that improper disposal of pesticides can be hazardous to health, it is essential to raise a question. How do you protect from the probable health hazard?

Handling and disposing of pesticide wastes through the right channels. Simple, right?

Well, from how often the people in the UK keep getting exposed to the pesticide toxins, you might be forced to rethink if it is as simple. The truth is most people don’t have information on how to properly dispose of pesticide wastes. Most do not understand that they are hazardous chemicals that need special handling, unlike the regular wastes. Even pest elimination in London is well managed by professionals who avoid the usage of hazardous pesticides for pest control.

The best way to handle pesticide wastes by commercial and industrial scales users is to hire authorized waste disposal experts to help remove and clear the waste. For small scale users, they can easily access the several authorized hazard waste sites to either recycle or dispose of wastes.

Using an expert in disposing of is time-saving, cost-effective and reduces the probable health hazards caused by improper disposal of pesticides.

Improper disposing of pesticides has seen a rising case of health defects. While there is no way the use of pesticides can be eliminated from everyday life, those who handle them must be ready to follow the regulations and laws put in place for handling and disposition. This is the only way to keep humans, animals, and the environment from hazardous health effects.

What is Waste Management and Methods of Waste Disposal

When it comes to Waste Management, most think it is a complex process. It is good to understand what Waste Management is, the importance of proper waste management and what are some methods of waste disposal.

What is Waste Management?

Waste management is the collection, transportation and the disposal of all forms of waste such as garbage and other waste products including sewage. It is composed of all processes involved in collection of waste, proper transportation of waste and the best method of disposal for each category of waste. It factors in use of proper materials and methods of handling waste as well as compliance with health codes while considering environmental regulations.

The importance of waste management cannot be under estimated and every home owner, business owner and individual needs to be aware of what waste they have to be able to dispose of it in the best way. Improper waste disposal leads to air, water and soil pollution, doing great harm to our environment. By properly disposing waste we can conserves our environment and get rid of harmful materials properly while encouraging recycling and reuse of materials.

What are the methods of Waste Disposal in Waste Management?

Unlike in the olden days, people used to bury waste in a small hole in the outskirts of their homesteads or if need be, burnt it. These days, with all the complex materials we use in our day to day lives, this may not suffice to sufficiently dispose of all categories of waste.

Here are some of the main methods of waste disposal;

  1. Landfills

A landfill is a site allocated for the main purpose of disposing garbage. It is a big hole dug in the ground with the aim of dumping rubbish. Once full, the landfill is then covered. Currently, landfills are quickly reaching maximum capacity and this is why there is need for us to reduce our waste and start reusing and recycling waste as part of our daily routine. The challenge of landfills is that once some materials breakdown, harmful substances and chemicals are released into the soil and can harm the surrounding soil and environment for many years down the line. This is why most items selected for dumping in landfills is now restricted.

  1. Recovery and Recycling

Recovery of waste is where discarded items are converted into energy in the form of heat, fuel or electricity. Recycling is the process where waste materials are turned into new products to save on the energy and process of having to dispose of them. The advantage of recycling is mainly to reduce the size of landfills by making use of waste, save on energy that would have been used to dispose it to minimize the effect of greenhouse gases, land and water pollution

  1. Incineration

This is also known as combustion and it is a method disposal technique that involves burning of waste at very high temperatures. The advantage of incinerating waste is that it reduces waste by at least 30% which reduces greatly the volume of waste unlike landfills. This is an ideal method of disposing solid waste in some countries and through this, the waste can be converted into gas, steam and heat.

  1. Composting

Composting is the process of taking garden, kitchen and plant remains and turning it into a nutrient rich material for compost. This waste is left to sit in one place for months and microbes turn it into compost which can be used for providing plants with vital nutrients.

  1. Plasma Gasification

This is a relatively new types of waste disposal where organic matter is turned into a synthetic gas by use of a plasma torch. It is still in the early stages of development and one main advantage of this method is that there is almost no waste product left behind.

  1. Energy Recovery

This is the process of turning waste that cannot be recycled into electricity, fuel or heat, turning it into a renewable energy source.

  1. Reducing

This process is where we all work to reduce the amount of waste we create. This combined effort will help eliminate the need for waste disposal and lead to a better, cleaner environment.



Waste management is important for the preservation of our environment

How to Dispose Commercial Wastes in Quick Time?

Waste disposal is important to commercial businesses because it promotes health and safety at the job site. As an entrepreneur, you are always busy running things and expanding your business so you may not have much time to focus on this detail.

Whether you need a bin to rent for a single use, environmentally friendly recycling services or commercial waste collection in most companies have the equipment, crew and skill to meet your needs. Schedule a pickup today or request a quote on our services.

Remember that trade or commercial waste of any manner is not accepted at most household waste recycling centres, because such is more complicated and dangerous to handle.

When we talk of Hazardous waste disposal it’s basically about getting rid of industrial and household effluents such as pesticides, chemicals, oils, solvents, paints, cylinders and aerosols. Disposal of such materials is a sensitive process, and good waste management will involve scrutiny of the material, safe packing, labelling and transportation for safe disposal.

That is where you require professionals to carry out the job.

Commercial Waste Collection

Commercial Waste Disposal

A one-stop waste removal should offer inclusive services ranging from everything; from garbage collection and reprocessing to septic system cleaning and liquid waste service. It is possible to customize commercial services to meet the needs of various customers. Thus, they provide services to many industries, including:

  • Municipalities
  • Institutions
  • Offices
  • Developers/owners
  • Construction crews
  • Industrial companies

Accepted Commercial Waste Materials

Several companies accept different commercial waste materials, be it hazardous or non-toxic. Some of the materials acceptable for commercial waste disposal include:

  • Tires
  • Asphalt and concrete
  • Solid waste
  • Saline fluids
  • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Drilling muds
  • Metal finishing solutions
  • Pharmaceutical waste water
  • Old appliances

What are the different types of waste?

commercial waste clearance

The type of waste generated by commercial properties varies and depends on what sector the company is located. Each company/business is unique, which means the waste produced is specific to your business. Everything from packaging material to fruit waste is dumped into the general refuse.

The above list showcases some of the items most agencies accept for disposal. If you are not certain a material you have is acceptable, contact the company and you will be given appropriate advice.

While it may not be a top priority, proper garbage disposal is very critical to help ensure that your business is clean, safe and engaging to customers. Most companies provide timely and cost effective services that allow your business to meet these goals.

Commercial piles of sorted recyclable items should be dumped at a landfill for recycling. Recyclable materials that are acceptable at a landfill in large quantities include:

  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Aluminium cans
  • Plastic bottles
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Clear glass bottles
  • Mixed glass bottles
  • Phone books
  • Whole vehicles tires
  • Appliances and white goods
  • Lead acid batteries
  • Used motor oil
  • Used motor oil filters
  • Wood pallets
  • Clean wood waste
  • Oyster shells
  • Antifreeze

For more information about disposing of specific items, feel free to contact us and our clearance crews will be glad to explain everything, take you through the process for collecting and recycling every item.

What type of bins do you need for waste disposal?

Different sizes of bins can be used to store different amounts of refuse. Depending on how much rubbish your business generates, you will need a covered bin to store your waste.

From the tiniest 120ml green, sturdy wheelie bin to a six yard roll top, there are bins to suit every clients’ waste output.

How do you dispose of our waste once it is collected?

Waste is organised into recyclables and non-recyclables. Several materials such as plastic, paper and glass can be recycled.  Nowadays, companies strive to avoid using landfills, hence they sort and dispose of your rubbish in the most appropriate way and in a timely manner.

What Are Damage Caused By Improper Waste Disposal?

Improper waste disposal is the wastes that affect the nature and the surroundings. The disposed of wastes will be harmful, where some can be felt earlier as they exhibit toxic soon. The improper disposal includes paper, bleaches, plastics and solvents. Though people have dust bins outside their home they choose not to use it. Here, we show the effects of these kinds of wastes.

Why wastes have to be considered seriously is that it causes damage to both the value of the state and the economy. So, one has to understand that the value of a state depends on its health and wealth, which directly affects the economy with diseases and environmental crises.

Improper waste disposal
Not only to people, but it also affects the regular nature of animals as well, since the survival of these living things is the environment. Regular disposal of wastes will avoid these damage in the life cycle. Once food chain is spoiled, it not only affects the animals, it also affects people around the animals and some of them who eat it. Even the Aquatic species will get spoiled because of the improper way of disposal through water, which may be plastics, oil spills, exhibits from the chemical industries, etc., Meanwhile, the same kind of wastes disposed to plants or landfills will affect both animals and human.

The wastes like old furniture, clothes and other regular wastes dumped at the same place for a long period of time will make the place unpleasant in both looks and feel. So, what one has to hire the rubbish removal professionals to dispose of the wastes regularly at your place. It makes the place clean and eco-friendly in nature. Make sure you choose the right company for this service, who can help you in the long run and charge you for a very reasonable price only for the number of wastes collected.



6 Different Types of Waste Disposal

Most countries with developed industries are struggling with the difficulty of waste disposal. It is difficult to find safe ways to dispose of waste especially the non-biodegradable and hazardous wastes. These wastes can have a negative impact on the environment and people’s’ health. It is therefore important to dispose of waste properly to keep the environment clean and also to protect people from contamination. Luckily, ways of garbage disposal have been devised to help reduce the amount of waste.

Below is a list of 6 Different Types of Waste Disposal:

  • Hygienic Landfill:

Landfills - Waste Disposal

This process involves non-recyclable wastes. The selected area of the landfill should have low levels of groundwater and should have non-porous soil. The area should not be prone to flooding too. A base first created to prevent harmful chemicals from reaching the water zone below. After that, the wastes are carefully separated and spread out on the protective base. Later on, layers of soil are spread on top of the waste and compacted. The Landfill area can then serve as a leisure ground or park at least until the wastes decompose. This could take up to more than 25 years hence no construction should take place in the landfill area

  • Biogas and Fertilizer Generation:

Biogas Waste Disposal

Organic wastes can be used to create compost that will, later on, be decomposed naturally into nutrient-rich fertilizer. This is mostly used by farmers or homeowners with a large amount of organic waste. The type of fertilizer formed is advantageous to plants since it’s all organic. Biodegradable wastes can also be used to create biogas. Bio-degradation companies turn these wastes into biogas by using fungi and bacteria to decay the wastes. The biogas generated is later then used as fuel. This method is very efficient for organic and biodegradable wastes.

  • Vermicomposting:

Vermicompost Waste Disposal

This is another type of waste disposal that involves the use of worms to help decompose wastes. A specific type of worms is used to feed on the wastes and digest them. This process not only helps with waste disposal but also helps improve soil nutrition. The excretion of the worms adds nutrients to the soil, this improves the quality of the soil leading to a better growth of plants.

  • Recycling and Reusing:

Recycling and reusing is another effective means of disposing of wastes. Wastes such as glass, rubber, plastic or wood can be transformed through industrial processing into other useful products that can be used again. You could also reuse items such as plastic bottles and paper bags instead of throwing them away. This will greatly reduce the amount of waste you have and also help you save money that you could have used to purchase new plastic bottles or paper bags.

Recycle and Reuse - Waste Disposal

  • Disposal by Incineration:

This process involves the burning of wastes in airtight incinerators. This process is cheap and very efficient as it reduces the size of the wastes by up to 95%. The by-products of incineration such as heat and ash can be used for energy creation and hydroponic purposes respectively. The energy can later be used to provide power in the industry. This method is commonly used for toxic and hazardous wastes.

  • Disposal in Water Bodies:

Incineration - Waste Disposal

Hazardous wastes such as radioactive substances are usually dumped into large water bodies such as oceans and seas. These type of toxic wastes sink deep into the water to avoid their contamination from reaching human beings.

The above 6 methods are so far the most effective and reliable methods to dispose of waste products. In addition to that, they are safe as they reduce the risk and chances of human and animal contamination.

If you’re looking for rubbish removal company in UK, you can contact 020 8099 9819 immediately, our team will arrive with Man and Van to collect wastes at your place.