Are Egg Cartons Recyclable?

Do you ever wonder what to do with your empty egg cartons? Are they simply trash, or can they be recycled? The answer may surprise you! In this blog post, we will explore the world of egg carton recycling and provide tips on how to properly dispose of them while also helping the environment. So, grab your coffee and get ready to learn about the fascinating world of egg carton recycling!

Types of Egg Cartons

There are a few different types of egg cartons, so it can be hard to know which ones can be recycled.

Types of Egg Cartons

Here are some of the types of egg cartoons:

  • Pulp egg cartons
  • Egg boxes
  • Egg flats, egg crate, and egg sleeves
  • Foam egg cartons

Recycling Symbols on Egg Cartons

Egg cartons have a recycling symbol on them. This means that the cardboard can be recycled. You can easily recycle them. If they don’t have any symbols, you need to find out the material of the carton. This way, you can make a decision whether it can be recycled or not.

Material Composition of Egg Cartons

The material composition of egg cartons typically includes a plastic liner and cardboard shell. Some types of materials that can be found in egg cartons include vinyl, polyethene, polypropylene, and paper.

Material Composition of Egg Cartons


Vinyl is a type of plastic that is often used in the production of egg cartons because it is strong, lightweight, and heat resistant.


Polyethylene is a type of plastic that is often used in the production of egg cartons because it is durable, flexible, and heat resistant.


Polypropylene is a type of plastic that is often used in the production of egg cartons because it has good physical properties (it’s tough), low environmental impact (it’s non-toxic), and low cost.


Paper is a common material found in egg cartons because it’s environmentally friendly (its manufacturing doesn’t have many negative effects), easy to print on (with inkjet printers), and inexpensive to produce.

Challenges in Recycling Egg Cartons

The use of egg cartons has decreased in recent years as more and more people choose to buy organic or cage-free eggs. The environmental benefits of choosing these eggs are clear, but recycling the cartons presents some challenges.

Egg cartons are made from a number of materials, including plastic, paper and cardboard. Recycling them all individually can be difficult and time-consuming. In order to recycle them together into new products, companies must first find a suitable recycling process for each material.

Many recycling companies opt to recycle plastic and cardboard separately since they can be processed more easily. The paper is often recycled into new printed materials, like packaging or advertising.

Are Egg Cartons Recyclable?

Are Egg Cartons Recyclable

Yes, It can be recycled, but it depends on the material it is made up of. Egg cartons are often recycled because they are made of PS Plastic, which is a type of plastic that can be melted and formed into new products. Plastic bottles, egg cartons, and other types of plastics can be recycled by breaking them down into small pieces and then converting them into pellets. Pellets can then be melted and reformed into new products.

Other ways to Reuse/Recycle Egg Cartons

The environmental benefits of recycling egg cartons are many. Not only do they reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, but also they’re a valuable resource when it comes to creating new products.

Here are the ways to reuse egg cartons:


Egg cartons make great compost materials because they’re made from durable materials and have high water content. Add them to your regular compost pile along with other organic materials for added nutrients and microbial activity.


You can create beautiful crafts out of recycled egg cartons! Cut them into pieces or use them whole for projects like vases, coasters, ornaments and more.

Using as insulation

Junk mail, old magazines and even shredded egg cartons make great insulation for enclosing things in spaces like attics, under eaves or around pipes.


Eco-friendly practices with egg cartons can help reduce the amount of litter created when used and help to protect the environment. Many waste recycling centres will accept egg cartons, and they can be shredded for use in animal feed or composted. In some cases, plasticizers in the plastics used to make egg cartons can leach into the food, so it is important to handle them with care.