What is Waste Management and Methods of Waste Disposal

When it comes to Waste Management, most think it is a complex process. It is good to understand what Waste Management is, the importance of proper waste management and what are some methods of waste disposal.

What is Waste Management?

Waste management is the collection, transportation and the disposal of all forms of waste such as garbage and other waste products including sewage. It is composed of all processes involved in collection of waste, proper transportation of waste and the best method of disposal for each category of waste. It factors in use of proper materials and methods of handling waste as well as compliance with health codes while considering environmental regulations.

The importance of waste management cannot be under estimated and every home owner, business owner and individual needs to be aware of what waste they have to be able to dispose of it in the best way. Improper waste disposal leads to air, water and soil pollution, doing great harm to our environment. By properly disposing waste we can conserves our environment and get rid of harmful materials properly while encouraging recycling and reuse of materials.

What are the methods of Waste Disposal in Waste Management?

Unlike in the olden days, people used to bury waste in a small hole in the outskirts of their homesteads or if need be, burnt it. These days, with all the complex materials we use in our day to day lives, this may not suffice to sufficiently dispose of all categories of waste.

Here are some of the main methods of waste disposal;

  1. Landfills

A landfill is a site allocated for the main purpose of disposing garbage. It is a big hole dug in the ground with the aim of dumping rubbish. Once full, the landfill is then covered. Currently, landfills are quickly reaching maximum capacity and this is why there is need for us to reduce our waste and start reusing and recycling waste as part of our daily routine. The challenge of landfills is that once some materials breakdown, harmful substances and chemicals are released into the soil and can harm the surrounding soil and environment for many years down the line. This is why most items selected for dumping in landfills is now restricted.

  1. Recovery and Recycling

Recovery of waste is where discarded items are converted into energy in the form of heat, fuel or electricity. Recycling is the process where waste materials are turned into new products to save on the energy and process of having to dispose of them. The advantage of recycling is mainly to reduce the size of landfills by making use of waste, save on energy that would have been used to dispose it to minimize the effect of greenhouse gases, land and water pollution

  1. Incineration

This is also known as combustion and it is a method disposal technique that involves burning of waste at very high temperatures. The advantage of incinerating waste is that it reduces waste by at least 30% which reduces greatly the volume of waste unlike landfills. This is an ideal method of disposing solid waste in some countries and through this, the waste can be converted into gas, steam and heat.

  1. Composting

Composting is the process of taking garden, kitchen and plant remains and turning it into a nutrient rich material for compost. This waste is left to sit in one place for months and microbes turn it into compost which can be used for providing plants with vital nutrients.

  1. Plasma Gasification

This is a relatively new types of waste disposal where organic matter is turned into a synthetic gas by use of a plasma torch. It is still in the early stages of development and one main advantage of this method is that there is almost no waste product left behind.

  1. Energy Recovery

This is the process of turning waste that cannot be recycled into electricity, fuel or heat, turning it into a renewable energy source.

  1. Reducing

This process is where we all work to reduce the amount of waste we create. This combined effort will help eliminate the need for waste disposal and lead to a better, cleaner environment.



Waste management is important for the preservation of our environment

What Is The Importance Of Waste Management?

Waste management is a crucial exercise that revolves around the quick, safe, and effective removal and disposal of waste.  There are a thousand and one reasons why we should manage waste effectively.

  • For the sake of clarity, the best waste management practices involve more than just dumping waste into your bin, awaiting its collection.
  • Instead, it’s looking at the larger picture of the impact of waste on the environment, and then initiating measures to ensure its proper removal.
  • Once you look at it that way, all the benefits of waste management will trickle down and you’ll be the greatest beneficiary! From office waste to household waste, to electrical waste or building and construction waste; there are numerous reasons for ensuring their safe disposal.

Importance Of Waste Management

    1. Good health; accumulated waste stinks; it attracts pests and rodents as well as other disease-causing microorganisms. The best way to keep your family or employees safe is to ensure that they live and work in a clean environment. Effective waste management practices help ensure that everyone enjoys good health.
    2. Good mood; who enjoys living in a dirty, badly cluttered house where cans and food leftovers litter tables and the entire floor? Which employee likes working with an overflowing waste bin behind their seat? A clean and neat environment yields positive and lively moods in us; on the contrary, an untidy and messy environment makes you stone-faced, cranky, and dull for no apparent reason.
    3. Less injuries; the waste and debris left behind after a home renovation or during building and construction can easily cause injuries. It gets even more worrisome when there are young children playing and jumping around. The rusty nails, wires and electric cables, iron sheets, glass, toxic paints and asbestos; these must be safely and quickly removed from building and construction sites in order to minimize instances of injuries.


  1. Healthy environment; industrial waste and eWaste are examples of harmful waste that needs to be carefully disposed of. Otherwise, they pose a huge risk to the environment if simply dumped into a landfill. There are laid down mechanisms on how exactly such waste ought to be disposed of and failure to adhere doesn’t just mess up their environment; it places you on a collision course with the law.
  2. How to do proper waste managementMore productivity; offices and businesses that have put in place sound waste removal mechanisms tend to enjoy more productivity from their employees. The staff and employees enjoy working in a clean, freshened up the environment; they are able to concentrate more on their jobs and assignments. The tidiness boosts their morale and attitude; they’ll serve customers with a smile and positivity you’d not find in a dirty workplace.
  3. The law is clear; here in the UK, the law is very clear on your obligations as a homeowner or business owner, on how you should dispose of your waste. Thus, you can’t simply leave your waste outside your gate or dump it on the highway at night; the law will punish you. By effectively managing your waste, you also stay safe from decrees and bylaws that govern the handling and disposal of waste.

In summary;

Effective waste management is a duty and obligation we all have, as long as we’re generating trash, then we have an obligation to ensure its safe disposal. It benefits us directly, it benefits those around us including our employees, plus the environment is also protected from pollution. Hiring a professional waste removal company is a worthy investment. You get the peace of mind knowing that everything is taken care of and that all your waste is ethically disposed of.