What are the Impact of Waste on Environment in London?

The manner in which waste is disposed in London directly affects the surroundings or conditions in which we all live in. The manner in which waste is disposed has a direct impact on the air you breathe, water you drink, your plants and pets too are part of that equation. This is why it is important to understand how waste has affected the London environment.

  • Water and Land pollution from disposal of Plastic bottles and Waste: Bottled water is highly consumed in London, making the disposal of plastic waste uncontrollable as most of it ends up in landfills, The Thames and public parks. All these cause environmental and marine pollution which in the long run directly affects the health of citizens, animals and plants. Londoners and visitors are encouraged to embrace to carry their own water from home as opposed to buying bottled water, as well as the introduction of improved processes of recycling in london.
  • Impact of Waste on Environment LondonAir Pollution from Greenhouse emissions and Landfills: The use of greenhouse to recycle waste has had a great influence on the climate patterns in London. Emission of carbon from greenhouses during waste recycling and the production of methane from land fill sites to produce energy cause air pollution, which poses great health risks to the citizens. The gases emitted have greatly affected the climate patterns in London. The weather experienced is hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters. There are also situations of extreme weather like heavy rainfall and heat waves more often. This is as are result of human actions that emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.
  • Noise from Air and Land transport: the use of garbage vehicles and loud noise from landing and taking off of aircraft affects both the humans and animals in the surrounding areas in London by distracting their normal routine such as sleep and causing annoyance. This directly affects the health of the people and the animals. Although we have spoken about the negative effects, we also have positive effects that waste In London have on the environment.


  • The positive effect of waste on the London environment: With the revised London local government strategies, waste management can be seen to be of more benefit than loss. Most of the recent bylaws enacted are meant to help in the continuous environmental improvement. Their aim is to have further improved environmental performance by use of low carbon transport service, more sustainable resource use, improved recycling performance, a valuable refuge for plants and animals and Improved local environments. All these have created a harmonious environment that has kept the city very habitable and welcoming to both Londoners and visitors who are a great boost to London’s economy as well as creating a safe habitation for all.


Conclusion on impacts of waste on the London environment:

Since London realized the negative impacts of waste on its environment, leaders and different stakeholders have all come together to work positively towards putting in place counter processes and procedures to reverse the situation. By using safe and eco friendly ways of managing waste, the rate of pollution is now lower than it has been in a long time. Private waste removal companies have been in the frontline towards helping manage the city’s waste in a safe, green way. As a service provider, we have liaised with the major recycling plants around London to ensure that 90% of all the waste we clear from, your premises is taken for recycling. For more info, you can give us a call or fill an online form for a free no obligation quote.

What are the Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is the turning of something that is considered to be waste into a valuable resource. This is a positive way of cutting down on production costs and the number of wastes that load up in the landfills. Recycling helps us to keep our environment clean among other great benefits;

What are the great benefits of recycling waste?

  • Protection of the Environment
  • Recycling of waste promotes Economic growth
  • Recycling of waste reduces energy consumption rates
  • Recycling of wastes leads to job protection and creation
  • Recycling of waste reduces accident
  • Recycling of waste results in the protection of natural resources
  • Waste recycling helps us to protect future generations
  • Conclusion on the benefits of recycling waste

Protection of the Environment

By recycling we reduce the amount of manufacturing which further protects the air quality; the waste that is sent to the landfills is also reduced.

Recycling of waste promotes Economic growth

Companies will not have to buy raw material as they readily have the raw materials created by recycled products to make their own products. This keeps end-user costs low.

Recycling of waste reduces energy consumption rates

Recycling reduces the amount of energy needed to create products from raw materials. This helps in keeping energy costs down and protects the consumer from paying huge energy bills and costs, reduced energy costs leads to an affordable cost of living for the citizens.

Waste clearance

Recycling of wastes leads to job protection and creation

The recycling industry keeps on growing every day; this means that more manpower and labour is required to be able to sustain its productivity. Building the industry more jobs are created and the existing ones are protected and are able to provide and facilitate financial security for millions of the UK citizens.

Recycling of waste reduces accident

By recycling waste we prevent the occurrence of minor accidents that may result from, blunt objects, broken glasses, rusty metals and plastic papers that can cause suffocation in kids and animals; all these objects if left to litter the parks, water sources and kids playgrounds can be very dangerous. This is why we need to recycle them continuously.

Recycling of waste results in the protection of natural resources;

Use of less raw materials results in conservation of natural resources such as trees and water sources like rivers, and marine animals, the soil and the air. Factories generate more environmental pollution when they use raw materials as opposed to using recycled material. The lesser the use of raw material, the lower the rate of environmental pollution.

Waste recycling helps us to protect future generations

How beautiful would it be for future generations to come into a world that is free from all forms of pollution? The more you recycle the commercial waste products, the lesser produce wastes to the environment, with time the rate of environmental pollution will reduce completely allowing the future generations to breathe in the freshness of a clean environment.

The tips shared below are very important in the maintenance of a clean environment.

The invention of Smart ways of shopping;

Shops that sell products containing recyclable materials contain a percentage of post-consumer recycled content, for the purposes of easy recycling after consumption.

Use items severally before disposing of;

Some containers can be used for storage and other uses instead of deposing them.

 Buy your products in bulk

Bulk shopping saves a lot and also reduces the amount of packaging that would be thrown away as waste.


Rubbish removal recycling

A conclusion on the benefits of recycling waste

Recycling helps protect the environment from climatic changes, and different forms of pollution such as, soil, marine, air and water pollution. A clean environment influences healthy living that is free from sickness, disease, there are clean food and water and the high productivity of its citizen. High productivity will lead to economic growth.

We are a professional rubbish removal service provider in London with recycling rates of up to 90%, meaning most of what we collect from your home or business will end up in recycling plants. Feel free to contact us for more details on how we can be your reliable partner in the global effort to recycle more, generate less.

How Commercial Waste Recycling Helps Environment

The manufacturing, wholesale and energy-creation sectors are vital to the growth and long-term sustainability of our economy. You and I depend on manufacturing services for the goods we enjoy on a daily basis and the energy sector provides the lifeblood that powers our lives.

Handling Commercial Waste;

Commercial waste is defined as waste produced as a by-product of doing business. On a small scale, commercial waste could be wrappers related to a catering services or obsolete electronics.

The problem is that industrial, commercial waste can damage the environment if left unattended.

Responsible Industrial Waste Disposal

Through a combination of waste pickup and dumpsters placed around your place of business, commercial waste disposal can be significantly reduced.

A junk removal service makes eco-friendly junk removal a priority for local businesses and the communities that the businesses offer services. Most companies have the professionalism, experience and expertise to get the job done.

Recycling Commercial Waste

You can safely have your commercial waste recycled, which is good for the environment since the commercial waste will not pollute the environment whatsoever.

Recycling your commercial waste also makes doing business easy, since recycling streamlines your business and allows you to seamlessly meet regulatory waste compliance benchmarks set by local governments.

Commercial Waste Recycling
Commercial waste clearance and recycling helps to conserve the environment in a number of ways.

The 3 R cycle; these mean Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Proper waste management assists in improving the environment and the quality of air we breathe. It also helps in lowering the amounts of greenhouse gases released. Investing in commercial waste and clearance services helps in minimizing extraction of resources and reduce pollution and energy consumption involved in manufacturing new materials.

Unsuitable disposal of commercial waste pollutes the environment and enables greenhouse emissions. A lot of commercial waste can be reused or recycled.


Commercial Waste Clearance

  • Turning recyclable waste into useful materials assists in converting garbage into new products. Rubbish clearance services recycle green waste to make compost which is then used to enrich soil for cultivation.
  • The compost is of high quality and it reduces the need to of using artificial fertilizers that contain high levels of various chemicals. Therefore, the crops grown are healthier and safer for consumption.
  • Non-recyclable wastes are burnt through a controlled process in an incinerator. Waste energy that harnessed during the process can be used to generate electric energy.
  • Safeguards landfills space; professional waste clearance and recycling facilities make sure that only a minimum percentage of the whole waste gets to the landfills. Recyclable materials taken to recycling centres and the remaining waste is incinerated elsewhere. Waste in the landfills decomposes progressively generating harmful substances such as methane which is bad for the environment. Conserving landfills space therefore limits the production of such harmful substances significantly.
  • Conservation of natural resources; natural resources such as water, air, soil, minerals and timber among others are preserved. The need to produce new productsis reduced while human and animal life is preserved.
  • Commercial garbage clearance and recycling services are undertaken professionally done by companies to benefit the environment drastically. The environment is the mother of all things. Conserving it will ensure a better life for all living things.


Legal Liability

Businesses are obligated to effectively manage and dispose of their industrial waste as per the laid down regulations. Failure to do so, can make them liable for any damages caused by their neglect. Even if the companies win the cases, they will still pay legal fees and waste time defending themselves in the courts.

Clearing and recycling firms are eco-friendly and will take care of the waste appropriately.